Take time from your wedding planning and set up a bridal registry. There may never be another time in your life when you're lavished so lovingly in gifts. And while creating a wedding registry may seem self-serving, it is actually a convenience to your guests. Through gift-giving, friends and loved ones celebrate your marriage and help you stock your home. Having a registry eliminates the guess work.

Now is the time to create your ideal bridal registry! Even if you would rather receive cash gifts, consider at least registering for a few traditional wedding gifts. Remember, some guests feel more comfortable giving a tangible gift. And don't worry if you are not the traditional china and crystal type - you can still create a bridal registry. Home Depot has become a popular option for couples, as well as registering for a honeymoon or other big ticket item.

Browse through our bridal registry checklist for everything you'll need to know when making your wedding gifts wish list.

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