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Menu Moment: Buzz-Free Bubbly

There’s no need to leave out the kiddies and non-drinkers at toasting time thanks to a new non-alcoholic sparkling wine made from the juice of premium wine grapes. Available in Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Rosé, Vignette is unlike sparkling grape juice or sodas in that it has no added coloring, sugar or preservatives and actually tastes like wine.  Its subtle sweetness satisfies the palettes of sophisticates and youngsters alike, so you can serve up the best of wine country varietals – without the lingering effects of their fizzy counterparts.

Additional Information

Wine Country Soda, winecountrysoda.com, 510-486-9400, $2.50-$3 per bottle

October 2, 2009 | link | More: