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Things We Love: Vintage Postcards

Here’s something fun - a retro reminder to save that date!  Bag the traditional monogrammed card stock or even the magnet fad du jour.  Instead, find vintage postcards that feature your wedding location or a kitschy wedding-related locale like Niagra Falls.  This is a circumstance where it would actually be appropriate to pen your own message - in your very best cursive handwriting of course - on the cards, or you can have them professionally printed if you prefer.

Additional Information

You can get vintage cards online at cardcow.com or by scouring the flea markets, but finding the right quantity may present a problem.  You can also enlist a stationer to create vintage-style postcards for you.  Visit the www.Elegala.com wedding vendor directory to find a recommended stationer near you.

June 9, 2009 | link | More: Things We Love